our services

Team and Organizational Acceleration

what we do

Team and Organizational Acceleration

Team and Organizational Acceleration

Team and Organizational development for stronger results. We strengthen team performance through better collaboration, communications & focusing on what matters.

Team development is a fundamental lever organization’s must pull to achieve its strategic purpose. Organizations that have stronger team performance have strong business results. Highly effective teams don’t just happen by chance — they’re built through team development programs that emphasize clear team priorities, mutual accountability, candid and thoughtful dialogue and trust developed over time.



Creating a high performing team at any level of the organization can make a lasting strategic difference. Teams are based on trust- we help all types of teams set and align clear goals, maintain focus on team priorities, engage in open and productive debate and develop a greater level of understanding and stronger working relationship among all members. We create an environment where people want to be a part of a team that trusts each other and want to work together.



Both long standing and newly formed teams benefit from an in-depth understanding of their collective strengths and developmental needs. These include interpersonal and operating styles, behavioral tendencies, and level of alignment-all of this in the context of challenges facing the business overall, the team and each person’s role.

We partner with leaders to develop a breadth of strategies to accelerate the performance of their teams. To start, we will conduct a full team diagnosis and explore the team’s strengths and areas for improvement. We will engage every team member and elicit the commitment to build strategic solutions that will enable the team to evolve into a high performing team- one that delivers exceptional results.


Common Concerns

  • Trust on the team is low and we are in constant debates

  • We recycle decisions often and can’t break this unhealthy pattern

  • We are too tactical and lack strategic thinking

  • We lack new ideas, different approaches, critical thinking and groupthink is prevalent

  • The leader is ineffective, and the team is going in different directions

  • We work in silos and don’t share information openly



  • Teams striving to be healthier, more effective and desire more clarity and purpose.

  • Teams wanting to improve their interpersonal dynamics, norms, and skill.

  • Teams that want enhanced confidence, self-awareness and ability to self-regulate.

  • Teams that know its finally time to have that long avoided conversation about how we work together.

  • Teams wanting to powerfully and successfully navigate an inflection point in their lifecycle.


Methods & Tools

  • Assessing in Action

  • Situational Leadership/Blanchard

  • Exploring Shadow Behaviours

  • Team Diagnostic Survey

  • Myers Briggs (MBTI)

  • Lencioni- dysfunctions of a team

  • Team Coaching methodologies

  • I-OPT

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